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2529 ‘NRF Info Day’ on NRF Programs for Int’l Researchers (On-line) 2022-11-10

  • 04 Guidelines for Proper Spending of R&D Expenses.pdf download
  • 01 NRF Programs for International Researchers.pdf download
  • 03 Announcement of new Basic Research Projects(first half of 2022).pdf download

1. Background/Purpose

The NRF Info Day is designed to achieve the three goals as follows:

- To contribute to expanding opportunities for int’l researchers to take part in the NRF programs by introducing basic research grants and int’l cooperation programs of NRF

- To get information and/or requests from international researchers to improve the NRF programs through face-to-face contacts with them

- To answer any questions or resolve any difficulties of the international researchers in the process of applying research proposals to NRF

2. Date : November 10(Thursday), 2022 15:00-16:30(Online)

3. Speaker : Dr. Jong-Deok Kim, Education Director, Directorate for International Affairs, NRF

4. Title : Introduction of Basic Research Grants and Int’l Cooperation

Programs of NRF

5. Program schedule



15:00 – 15:40

Introduction of Basic research and Int’l cooperation programs of NRF

- Brief introduction of NRF

- Outline of basic research grants and int’l programs of NRF

- Review Procedure/Evaluation criteria

- How to prepare the international cooperation programs?

- Application procedure

- Others

15:40 – 16:30


Contact point : jdkim@nrf.re.kr, 02-3460-5631

서울캠퍼스  :  06974 서울특별시 동작구 흑석로 84

다빈치캠퍼스  : 17546 경기도 안성시 대덕면 서동대로 4726

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